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Online Business and Leadership Coaching A process to support and enable you to find your own path and reflect your situation


Coaching Issues

  • Managing change
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Handling crisis
  • Improving your leadership skills
  • Reflecting your leadership role and style
  • Handling challenges
  • Developing an agile mindset
  • Career planning
  • Decision making
Umgang mit Herausforderungen


During a few coaching sessions we work out ways of handling your challenge that suit you and your environment.

Depending on the topic there are different approaches and methods that we can apply while assessing and reflecting your case. These could be for instance: stakeholder analysis, reflection of past similar situations, personality tests (e.g. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) or certain coaching tools such as inner team, pyramid of resources, talent compass, inscenario technique). They support the reflection and understanding process, help find suitable solutions or understand certain behaviors.



  • Initial virtual or personal meeting free of charge via Zoom, Skype or Teams
  • Contract award and setting up a date for the first session
  • 3 – 5 coaching sessions of approx. 1,5 to 2 hours
Coaching Sitzung

Let's zoom or skype 🙂

Any questions about how we coach? Contact us.